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BerichtGeplaatst: vr 15 feb 2008 08:42 

Lid geworden op: wo 30 nov 2005 14:25
Berichten: 6078
Een fragment uit het boek: The Ascension Companion
Erg de moeite van herkenbaarheid waard vond ik.


"I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S wrong with me these days. I just don't
seem to care about much of anything anymore." "I seem to have
lost all interest in becoming involved with the things that I used
to." "I don't care what happens." If you have had any of these
thoughts or feelings lately, know that they are a regular part of
the ascension process and have a perfect and distinct purpose.
At times, we may feel as though we are going along, "acting" our
way through our daily lives. We are simply not present, as our
lives do not have the meaning that they used to. We don't seem
to be in alignment with what we had created in the past. And in
addition, becoming exhausted through all the trials and
tribulations that ascension can bring, can make one very
apathetic. We are just too darned tired to become involved with
or care about much of anything. "Let the chips fall where they
may," becomes our general course of action (or in-action!). "I no
longer have the desire to stay on top of things."

But apathy has a gold nugget within it. Being apathetic
actually places us in a higher vibrating space. It supports our
continual process of letting go of attachments. When we no
longer care about much of anything, we then become unentwined
with much. We are then left in a space of "no space,"
and this is the space of the higher realms. We are then much
more in the moment. When we do not care about much, we are
not filling our thoughts and emotions with things that are not
really "real." And we are much more out of the way.

In the higher realms, there are no agendas and plans. With no
attachments, with a good connection to Source, with great trust,
and a knowingness that everything is always in divine right
order, nothing really matters anyway. Being much more
connected to Source on a continual basis, keeps us more even
keel. There aren't as many ups and downs. And when we realize
that things are really no big deal, as we can create fresh and New
within any given moment, apathy, then, fits right in.

In order to create successfully, we have to have no attachments.
It is always precisely when we no longer care about having
something, that it arrives. And we do not really want to create
from our ego or dis-connect selves anyway. As we progress
through the ascension process, then, and become used to not
having much of anything go our way, or how we had imagined,
we are certainly placed smack in the middle of a higher vibrating
space. These experiences force us to let go. Isn't it strange that
the areas in our lives that we do not have strong opinions about,
seem to always go along just fine?

I had a web designer who decided that she was going to retire
from all computer work and web design. The trials and
tribulations that her work was bringing were no longer worth it
for her. The minute she let go and gave it all up, she immediately
began to get huge amounts of business, and the new clients were
the kind she has always wanted. It was when she no longer cared
about web design, as she was really burned out, that her business
really took off. (She still quit anyway!)

When things don't go our way, many times it is because we are
not coming from our "connected" self. We may be coming from a
desperate or analytical self that is trying to solve a problem is a
way that we feel is possible... even if we aren't even particularly
wild about our own idea. If we were to look back, we would
usually find that we were glad this or that had never happened.
Being in a state of apathy, caused by never seeming to get what
we want, among other things, puts us in that space of neutrality
where we can create just about anything. When we realize that
nothing really matters much, as what we thought mattered was
coming from our dis-connect selves, it is then that we are
successfully reaching the higher realms. Being happy where we
truly are, always brings the next step of creation to our doorstep.
When we have to have things a certain way, we basically place a
choke hold on energy. It is when we can be contented by simply
being, that all our needs are met. Passion is a seeming
contradiction to this scenario, as passion is a very strong
connection, because we know that what we are passionate about
is in perfect alignment in every way with our higher selves. So
there is a distinct difference in regard to passion. We usually
experience apathy when we are releasing desires that arise from
our dis-connect self. We didn't need them anyway.

If you have chosen this page, you are being encouraged to honor
your state of apathy, and to realize that apathy is a condition of
the higher realms. It is an indication that you are vibrating
higher and becoming a higher level being. Feeling apathetic is
simply great training for a higher level way of being.
Congratulations, as you are learning the non-attached state of

*there and back again*

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